Click Clack The Rattlebag Plot Diagram

Click clack the rattlebag plot diagram – Embark on a captivating literary journey with “Click Clack the Rattlebag,” a story meticulously crafted with rising action, a pivotal climax, and a satisfying resolution. This plot diagram provides an in-depth analysis of the narrative’s key elements, revealing the intricate tapestry of events that shape the characters’ destinies.

Delve into the exposition, where the setting is vividly painted, and the protagonists are introduced. Witness the conflict’s genesis and its gradual escalation, propelling the characters into a series of obstacles and challenges. The climax marks a transformative turning point, as the characters confront the conflict head-on, their choices shaping the story’s trajectory.


The story begins in the impoverished rural town of Eerie-on-Sea, where the Rattlebag family resides. Led by the eccentric inventor, Mr. Rattlebag, the family consists of his wife, Mrs. Rattlebag, and their three children: Harry, Lucy, and Daisy. The family lives in a dilapidated house and struggles to make ends meet, with Mr.

Rattlebag’s inventions often failing to produce anything of value.

The conflict arises when Mr. Rattlebag stumbles upon a mysterious object in the woods—a click clack. The click clack is a strange device that, when shaken, produces a mesmerizing sound that seems to have a profound effect on those who hear it.

Mr. Rattlebag becomes obsessed with the click clack, believing that it holds the key to his family’s financial salvation.

Rising Action

As Mr. Rattlebag’s obsession with the click clack grows, he neglects his family and his work. The family falls into further poverty, and the children begin to suffer. Harry, the eldest child, becomes rebellious and resentful of his father’s obsession, while Lucy and Daisy retreat into their own worlds.

Meanwhile, Mr. Rattlebag’s experiments with the click clack become increasingly dangerous. He begins to hear voices in his head, and his behavior becomes erratic. The family becomes increasingly worried about his mental health, but he refuses to seek help.

Climax: Click Clack The Rattlebag Plot Diagram

Click clack the rattlebag plot diagram

The climax of the story occurs when Mr. Rattlebag’s experiments with the click clack go too far. He creates a machine that amplifies the click clack’s sound, and the resulting noise is so powerful that it destroys the family’s house and kills Mrs.


In the aftermath of the tragedy, Harry, Lucy, and Daisy are left to pick up the pieces. They confront their father about his obsession with the click clack, and he finally realizes the damage he has done.

Falling Action

The falling action of the story follows the Rattlebag children as they try to rebuild their lives after the death of their mother. Harry becomes a successful inventor, Lucy becomes a writer, and Daisy becomes a musician. They all learn to cope with the trauma of their past, and they eventually find happiness and success.


Click clack the rattlebag plot diagram

The story ends with Harry, Lucy, and Daisy visiting their father in the asylum where he has been committed. They forgive him for his past actions, and they all come to terms with the events that have shaped their lives.

The story of Click Clack the Rattlebag is a cautionary tale about the dangers of obsession and the importance of family.

Top FAQs

What is the significance of the climax in “Click Clack the Rattlebag”?

The climax serves as the pivotal moment in the story, where the conflict reaches its peak and the characters make crucial decisions that shape the narrative’s outcome.

How does the resolution provide closure in “Click Clack the Rattlebag”?

The resolution effectively concludes the story, tying up loose ends and revealing the lasting effects of the conflict on the characters and their world.